Sunday, January 10, 2010
Why do we need Jesus?
Why do we need Jesus? This is a question that needs to be addressed. It needs to be addressed in our own lives but also in the way in which we deal with the rest of the world. If somebody came up to me and asked, "Why is it that I need this Jesus you talk about?" what would my response be? For far too many I think the answer would be that they need Jesus to go to heaven or otherwise put to be saved from hell. But is that really why they need Jesus? If so great, they receive a get out of hell free pass but then what? No I think that this question needs to be approached from a different point of view. You see far to often we only look at anything that has to do with God or Jesus as a path or way to an afterlife. I mean all so often the message that is preached from church is that you need Jesus or you're going to hell. All the focus is put on what happens when I die but for me the problem is that I'm not dead or dying, I'm alive so what does this mean for me? We live in a society that wants to know how things are going to affect them now. Not next year or when they're dead, but here and now and so this answer of needing Jesus for when you're dead doesn't mean much to them. So here's how I would answer the person that wants to know why they need this Jesus: So that you can live!! Don't misunderstand where I'm coming from, I fully acknowledge that the only way to heaven is through Jesus because over and over again that's what is said in scripture (John 14:6). However, heaven is the added bonus but not the only reason that I need Jesus. You see Jesus talks repeatedly about living and life and these things only come through Him. In John 10:10 Jesus says that He has come that we may have life and have it abundantly! I don't believe that means just in the afterlife but the here and now. We are called to live life and live it to the fullest and that only happens when we are in that direct relationship with Jesus. We need Jesus so that we can live this life, the present one here on earth to our fullest and that means living out our passions, desires, dreams and potential right here and right now. We get so caught up with what will happen after we die that we fail to live. If being a Christian is all about going to heaven then once saved we can go ahead and die so we can get what our goal is, right? I believe that being a Christian is having a relationship with Jesus. It's about being real and broken and yet deeply desired by the Creator of the Universe. It's about being flawed and yet loved beyond measure. It's about God wanting to use you and me to tell His love story. It's about being part of this movement and revolution that Jesus started 2000 years ago. It's about pointing people to the Father so that they can live now as well as later. Heaven will be great and we've been promised it once we've entered into that relationship with Christ but that's not all this is about. I just think for far too long we've left being a Christian at just getting to heaven and neglected the rest of our purpose and story because of it. So are you waiting and clinging to what's to come or are you living life to it's fullest? Are you living in a way that makes people excited about the hope that you have? Are you living in a way that shows people that they need this Jesus so they can live now?
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